Reina Sofia Museum
This afternoon I returned to where I started: the Plaza del Emperador Carlos V, particularly the block in front of the hotel I stayed in when I first arrived in September, and the plaza behind it, which my hotel room faced, and which has the entrace to the Reina Sofia museum, which is where you go for 20th century art.
Above, self portraits by two artists from the 1920s, Delhy Terejo (l.) and Ángeles Santos. Below, "The Gathering" (1927) by Santos.
It was a gorgeous day, and I got tired a little quickly, because I was out so late last night (see previous entry) and didn't get to sleep until after 3 a.m. I really enjoyed all the art from the 1920s, including a couple of dozen Picassos, as well as a tremendous amount of artefacts, publications, posters and ephemera from the 1920s to the end of the 30s.
Below are some covers of a magazine called Vltra founded in 1920 by Jose Luis Borges and others. There were a ton of great magazine covers and posterr but the guard stopped me taking pictures of them.